Full Calendar Year 2011 Report

P =Patent owner prevailed on the issue
I =Accused infringer prevailed on the issue

[Bracketed numerals following the number of decisions identify the supporting cases as they appear in the Cumulative Case List. Parentheses following a case number indicate that the case involved a decision on that issue for more than one patent.]

                                               Cumulative Case List


Issue Code Description Results
  Validity decisions  
01 § 102(a) -- earlier public knowledge or publication
P: 27 [2213; 2202(2)] [2297; 2303(2); 2315] [2274] 2 appell. reversals
10 judgments on bench trials
9 judgments after jury trial (incl. 1 JMOL)
6 summary judgments
I: 6 [2255; 2211]

2 appell. affirmances
1 appell. reversal
2 judgments based on jury trial
1 summary judgment

02 § 102(b) -- time-bar publication or patent
P: 48 [2183; 2201; 2217(2); 2223; 2248(2); 2252(2)][2315(7); 2321; 2336; 2278]

3 appellate affirmances
2 appellate reversals
21 summary judgments
13 judgments after bench trials
9 judgments following jury trials, including 2 JMOLs

I: 21 [2252(2); 2258; 2262; 2177(3); 2203; 2216; 2247] [2252(2); 2258; 2262; 2177(3); 2203; 2216; 2247]  [2497; 2489; 2426; 2439; 2446] 6 appellate affirmances
2 judgments after bench trials
3 judgments based on jury verdicts
10 summary judgments
03 § 102(b) -- public use
P: 10 [2315]  [2384(4); 2385(5)] 4 judgments after bench trials
5 judgments based on jury verdicts
1 summary judgment
I: 4 [2351] [2416; 2470; 2463] 1 appellate affirmance
3 summary judgments
04 § 102(b) -- on sale
P: 13 [2248(2)][2315] [2315] [2369; 2384(4); 2385(5)] 4 judgments following bench trials
5 judgments based on jury verdicts
4 summary judgments
I: 6 [2285] [2351; 2366] [2416; 2470; 2463] 2 appellate affirmances
1 judgment after bench trial
1 judgment based on jury verdict
1 summary judgment
05 § 102(c) -- abandonment
06 § 102(d) -- prior foreign patenting
07 § 102(e) -- earlier-filed US patent of another
P: 10 [2315] [2382(4); 2385(5)] 5 judgments based on jury verdicts
5 summary judgments
08 § 102(f) -- derived subject matter; wrong inventorship
P: 1 [2375] 1 appellate affirmance
I: 2 [2338] [2470] 1 appellate affirmance
1 judgment following bench trial
09 § 102(g) -- prior invention by another (novelty)
P: 4 [2270(2); 2303(2)] 1 appellate reversal
2 judgments based on jury verdicts
1 summary judgment
I: 2 [2400] [2423] 1 appellate affirmance
1 summary judgment
10 § 103 -- obviousness
P: 71 [2173; 2177(6); 2187; 2201; 2213; 2217(2); 2225; 2248] [2315(2); 2320; 2329; 2275; 2280(4); 2281(3); 2236] [2341; 2344; 2348; 2350; 2365; 2370; 2375; 2381; 2382(4); 2384(4); 2385(5); 2386(3); 2387; 2388(3); 2292; 2295; 2406(3); 2370; 2393; 2340] [2490; 2448(2); 2452; 2467(3); 2426] 12 appellate affirmances
1 appellate reversal
19 judgments following bench trials
18 judgments based on jury verdicts
21 summary judgments
I: 42 [2208(2); 2240; 2177; 2211; 2223; 2249; 2191] [2280; 2310; 2320; 2321; 2325; 2271; 2274(5); 2279; 2282; 2335] [2352(2); 2365; 2375(2); 2378; 2386(2); 2391; 2406] [2497; 2491; 2431; 2452; 2470; 2468; 2479; 2454(2)] 16 appellate affirmances
4 appellate reversals
7 judgments following bench trials
9 judgments following jury trials, including 1 JMOL
8 summary judgments
11 § 112 -- inadequate disclosure --description
P: 29 [2173; 2248(2); 2251; 2206] [2295; 2303; 2315; 2320; 2281(6)] [2361; 2375; 2384(4); 2385(5); 2391; 2392] [2426] 6 appellate affirmances
1 appellate reversal
6 judgments following bench trials
7 judgments based on jury verdicts
9 summary judgments
I: 17 [2206; 2212; 2185] [2276(4); 2285]   [2406; 2338] [2497; 2457; 2448(2); 2470; 2472; 2477]

8 appellate affirmances
2 appellate reversals
4 bench trials
2 summary judgments

12 § 112 -- inadequate disclosure --enablement
P: 9   [2201; 2226]   [2315]   [2344; 2361; 2384(4)] 1 apellate affirmance
4 judgments following bench trials
4 summary judgments
I: 6 [2186; 2215] [2497; 2448(2); 2481] 1 appellate affirmance
3 judgments following bench trials
2 summary judgments
13 § 112 -- inadequate disclosure --best mode
P: 18 [2310] [2352(7); 2384(4); 2385(5); 2340] 1 appellate reversal
5 judgments following bench trials
12 summary judgments
I: 5 [2284(2)]   [2356(2)] [2445] 2 appellate affirmances
3 summary judgments
14 § 112 -- claim indefinite
P: 32 [2264(2); 2177(5); 2206(4)] [2284(2); 2288; 2297; 2315; 2326] [2361; 2381(2); 2384(4); 2346; 2340; 2343] [2448(2); 2436; 2453(2)] 2 appellate affirmances
11 appellate reversals
7 judgments following bench trials
12 summary judgments
I:16 [2206(3); 2177; 2193; 2198; 2210(2); 2211] [2273; 2291; 2289; 2274; 2288] [2352] [2446] 5 appellate affirmances
1 appellate reversal
1 Federal Claims judgment
2 judgments following bench trials
7 summary judgments
15 Double patenting
P: 9 [2183; 2226; 2242] [2305; 2317] [2348; 2387; 2392] [2465] 4 judgments following bench trials
1 judgment based on jury verdict
4 summary judgments
16 Improper broadening
I: 1 [2236] 1 summary judgment
  Enforceability decisions  
17 Inequitable conduct
P: 56 [2183(2); 2188; 2195; 2217(2); 2234; 2248] [2268(3); 2277; 2306; 2310; 2315; 2329; 2336] [2337(2); 2350; 2352(7); 2360(2); 2363; 2381(2); 2384(4); 2387; 2392] [2420; 2492; 2473; 2435; 2436; 2438; 2445; 2483(2); 2484(2); 2485(2); 2486(2); 2487(2)]
5 appellate affirmances
4 appellate reversals
19 judgments following bench trials
28 summary judgments
I: 7 [2223] [2312] [2379] [2495(3); 2470] 3 appellate affirmances
3 judgments following bench trials
1 summary judgment
18 Misuse
P: 2 [2222; 2224]  2 summary judgments
  Procedural defenses  
19 Laches
P: 5 [2222; 2227] [2368] [2436; 2444] 5 summary judgments
20 Equitable estoppel
P:8 [2227] [2281] [2352(6)] 1 appellate affirmance
7 summary judgments
I: 1 [2426] 1 summary judgment
21 Limitations
22 Failure to mark
P: 3 [2352(2); 2376] 1 judgment based on jury verdict
2 summary judgments
I: 1 [2359] 1 appellate affirmance
  Infringement issues  
23 Literal direct infringement
P: 68 [2208; 2264; 2171; 2173; 2187; 2194; 2195; 2200; 2213; 2225; 2227; 2245; 2248(2); 2250; 2206(2); 2243] [2303; 2310(2); 2315(2); 2324; 2326(2); 2270; 2275; 2286; 2336] [2357(2); 2370; 2373(3); 2375; 2376; 2384(4); 2385(5); 2388(2) 2392; 2395; 2399; 2405; 2406; 2370] [2490; 2420; 2456(2); 2466(2); 2467(4); 2421; 2427; 2460] 10 appellate affirmances
4 appellate reversals
20 judgments following bench trials
15 judgments following jury trials, of which 4 were JMOL
19 summary judgments
I: 172 [2172; 2173(2); 2196; 2206; 2256; 2257; 2259; 2260; 2263(2); 2265(2); 2171; 2173; 2177(6); 2179; 2180(2); 2184; 2186; 2190; 2201; 2203; 2209; 2214(2); 2217(2); 2225; 2230(3); 2232; 2234; 2238; 2239; 2242; 2251; 2253; 2237; 2189; 2207(2)] [2280; 2287; 2292; 2294; 2297; 2298; 2300; 2303; 2304(2); 2310; 2311; 2313; 2314; 2318; 2319; 2320; 2323; 2325; 2326; 2327; 2329; 2331; 2332; 2268(5); 2272; 2278; 2281(4); 2234(2); 2335(2)] [2337; 2338(2); 2339; 2340; 2342; 2345; 2346; 2407; 2408; 2411; 2412(2); 2413; 2415; 2337(5); 2355(2); 2357(2); 2360; 2361(2); 2362; 2365(2); 2369; 2375(4); 2380(2); 2384; 2389(3); 2391; 2394; 2396; 2397; 2400; 2406] [2493; 2497(4); 2418; 2453(2); 2455; 2456(2); 2458; 2496(2); 2448(2); 2452; 2422; 2425(3); 2432; 2433; 2436; 2440; 2442; 2445; 2449; 2459(2); 2461; 2462(2); 2474; 2475(2); 2481] 62 appellate affirmances
3 appellate reversals
93 summary judgments
11 judgments following bench trials
3 ITC summary judgments
24 Doctrine of equivalents direct infringement
P: 11 [2235; 2172] [2303; 2320] [2384(4); 2392; 2406] [2421] 1 appellate affirmance
5 judgments following bench trials
2 summary judgments
3 judgments following jury trials, of which 1 was JMOL
I: 39 [2259; 2261; 2173; 2184; 2190; 2203; 2217(2); 2234; 2239; 2191] [2287; 2297; 2299; 2303; 2310; 2311; 2314; 2322; 2323; 2325; 2329; 2330] [2347; 2413; 2355; 2360; 2362; 2384; 2389(2); 2394; 2397; 2384] [2458; 2426; 2445; 2462(2)] 6 appellate affirmances
2 appellate reversals
3 judgments following bench trials
2 JMOLs of jury verdicts
26 summary judgments
25 Inducing infringement
P: 11 [2410; 2375; 2385(5); 2388(2); 2392] [2419(2)] 3 appellate affirmances
2 judgments following bench trials
6 judgments based on jury verdicts
I: 12 [2238] [2326] [2375(4); 2380(2)] [2426; 2461; 2481; 2419] 5 judgments following bench trials
7 summary judgments
26 Contributory infringement
P:8 [2375; 2385(5); 2388(2)] 1 judgment following bench trial
7 judgments based on jury verdicts
I: 7 [2452; 2426] [2238] [2375(4)] 5 judgments following bench trials
2 summary judgments
27 Selling or importing product of patented process
28 Shipping abroad § 271(f)
I: 1 [2254] 1 appellate affirmance
29 License defense
I: 1 [2290] 1 appellate affirmance
30 Exhaustion defense
P: 3 [2264; 2245] [2297] 3 summary judgments
I: 5 [2229] [2278; 2288(2)] [2359] 3 appellate affirmances
2 summary judgments
31 Exemption under § 271(e)
32 Exemption for other experiments
  Damages calculations  
33 Lost profits issues
P: 2 [2235] [2328] 1 appellate affirmance
1 judgment following bench trial
34 Reasonable royalty issues
P: 14 [2194; 2195; 2235] [2275] [2349((7); 2364; 2405] [2466] 1 appellate affirmance
1 appellate reversal
3 judgments following bench trials
8 judgments following jury trials
1 summary judgment
I: 5 [2329] [2371; 2398] [2482; 2488] 1 judgment following bench trial
4 judgments following jury trials, of which 3 were JMOL
35 Split bases
  Special factors  
36 Willfulness
P: 16   [2182; 2213; 2245] [2303; 2336]   [2349(7); 2395; 2405] [2420; 2466] 2 appellate affirmances
11 judgments following bench trials
2 judgments based on jury verdicts
1 summary judgment
I: 8 [2243; 2233] [2329] [2373(3); 2374; 2406] 1 appellate affirmance
6 judgments following jury verdicts, of which 5 were JMOL
1 summary judgment
37 Enhanced damages due to willfulness
P: 21 [2182; 2199; 2213; 2218; 2228] [2328; 2269; 2275] [2349(7); 2395; 2405] [2420; 2430; 2451; 2466] 2 appellate affirmances
19 judgments
I: 2 [2195] [2303] 2 judgments
38 Attorney fees to patentee
P: 14 [2182; 2218; 2228] [2275; 2308; 2328; 2269] [2340; 2395; 2405] [2450; 2451; 2466; 2476] 1 appellate affirmance
1 appellate reversal
12 judgments
I: 9 [2176; 2192; 2195; 2213] [2303] [2354; 2376] [2429; 2430] 9 judgments
39 Attorney fees to accused infringer
P: 13 [2175; 2204; 2219; 2241; 2205; 2266] [2301; 2302; 2309; 2333] [2409; 2340] [2428] 2 appellate affirmances
2 appellate reversals
9 judgments
I: 7 [2221] [2293; 2296] [2345; 2358; 2402] [2469] 1 appellate affirmance
6 judgments
40 Preliminary injunction ruling
P: 11 [2197; 2246] [2401] [2334(5); 2447(2); 2471] 11 bench trials
I: 21 [2181; 2220; 2231; 2244; 2267] [2307; 2316] [2355(2); 2365; 2372; 2404] [2494; 2424; 2437; 2441; 2464; 2478; 2480; 2443; 2417] 2 appellate affirmances
1 appellate reversal
18 judgments following bench trials